Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Old Town...a few weeks later

So V and I took the new Honda Fit for its first road trip up to Northern Virginia to visit our dear friends the Coynes (over 2 weeks ago now, sorry for the delayed posting).
Little Fit got 45 mpg for one long stretch...I made it from Richmond to Alexandria and all the way home on ONE 10-GALLON TANK OF awesome, especially as gas has just gone up to $2.09 today!

We had a great visit...V & James are both potty training so there were no fewer than 100,000 trips to the potty which resulted in an ACCIDENT FREE WEEKEND! We walked around Alexandria- visiting a much hipper Farmers Market than Raleigh's and a delicious waterfront restaurant that served veggie burgers and pancakes at the same time.

We played with baby Molly...and watched her sleep. We made up rules for speed scrabble. And we made V and James hug. A lot.

I think V's favorite part of the trip was when James took a long nap and she got to play with his water table all alone. Before I knew what was happening, she was soaking wet. I stripped her down and things just got worse from there. She loved it and James never knew he was missing out on all this fun.

Meanwhile, Molly did this:

Lego homes were created and immediately destroyed, 3 flights of stairs were climbed repeatedly and lots of squealing and running around occured (despite parental attempts to dissuade this behavior indoors). Now if I can just talk the Coynes into moving back to Raleigh the world would be perfect...

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