Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Return Trip to Raleigh

No trip back from DC would be complete without a stop at Grandma's in Ashland. A "quick lunch stop" turned into a big family picnic-complete with hot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans and dessert! Ash his fiancee Amanda (hooray Ash is getting married!) and Jaedon came over, and Great Grandma was also on hand for hugs.

V hadn't seen Jaedon in way too long and she was fascinated by him...started out being shy but wound up following his every step.

Jaedon has 2 younger siblings so he knows how to interact with younger kids- TICKLE!

Of course, being older, and male, there was a good amount of torture mixed in for good measure which V also enjoyed.

It was a great stop...and almost made up for all the whining the last 30 minutes of every road trip requires. Thanks for tiring out V, Paw Paw and Grandma, she was asleep before we got to Richmond.

P.S. I just couldn't resist taking a picture of V in the car on the way home...since she is still new to the potty, I took it with me so she could use her potty instead of the terrifying self-flushing toilets at rest areas. She loved it a little too much and was disappointed that I put the potty back in the house. :)


Anonymous said...

Loved the blog! Potty chairs in cars on long trips run in our family! Hence, you know that is how I got my nickname (which I do not like, never have!)Stinky! According to my mother, when I was 18 mos. old we took a trip from Va to Fla, she says I rode most of the way on the potty, as she was training me at that time!
Grandma Ann

Stephanie Coyne said...

OMG. Th epics and videos of Jaeden (sp?) and V are just priceless! Keepers forever and ever.

nan said...

OK. You can tell V to stop growing immediately too!!!