Thursday, May 28, 2009

So You Think You Can Act?

Well watch out because here comes Miss V, Ginny B, Gin Gin, Bin Bin, Virginia Cute...whatever you choose to call her! Here is a sampling of her latest, greatest hits. We'll call this her spring/summer showcase...

A family favorite....shiver me timbers

Utilizing method acting...embracing her feelings

Seriously...why would she say "what about me?" I have no idea where she got that from.

And finally- the sunny side of V.

I keep suggesting NCT start acting classes for 2 year olds, but somehow they think I'm overstating V's abilities. What more can I do to prove how advanced she is?

This one is just for extra credit...and to show you this head bobbing thing she is doing all the time. Again, I have no idea where she came up with this. And I can't remember for the life of me why she was shushing me, but it was funny.


Anonymous said...

Oh Virginia, you have thoroughly entertained your Grandma and PawPaw this evening!
Grandma and PawPaw

Anonymous said...

I have never, in my life, seen anything so adorable. She is awesome, makes me laugh, brightens my day, surprises me, and makes me proud. What's next? Piano lessons?
Ballet? I'll bet she could do it all.