Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Winter Wonderland Part III

After the inaugural nap, I talked V into trying the snow one more time with the promise of making a snow family. She's very into having Daddy, Mama and baby groupings. (I think she gets this from my mother who also has a thing for family groupings and has been teased relentlessly for the last 10 years for purchasing a concrete owl family that included a Daddy, Mama and baby owl.)

Anyway, the snow was way to dry to make anything out of it besides a few crumbly snowballs. She did last longer than 2 minutes this go round which I'll chalk up as a success.

V attempts to make a snow ball

V thinks I'm taking her picture. Goofball.

We came inside, I made some hot chocolate (from scratch takes way too long for future reference) and we warmed up by the fire and with the glow of cartoons. Thank goodness T is finally home! I'm exhausted!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gosh, ya'll had a busy day!