Monday, January 5, 2009

Quotes of the Day

Passing by the building where I work downtown I point it out to Virginia...she says

"Mama works hard....Daddy works hard, too."

Tres comes home from work, asks V what she did today...her reply

"I throw up!" (having just choked on her dinner and thrown up a good portion of it)

As I'm trying to get her to go to sleep one night (at her Queenie's house)...

"Mama, I'm just not tired. I wanna go downstairs!"

And my personal favorite, as we are watching Dora in silence (squished together in a chair together) she says

"Mama, I love you!"

Maybe cleaning up the projectile vomit and squished snacks are worth it after all!


Anonymous said...

Remember those times when years from now she says "Mom, I want you to meet..........."

Anonymous said...

Myles had his first stomach bug before christmas. So his new favorite quotes is "oh mommy i think i throw up?!" im like your going to throw up!? and he burbs and starts to laugh and says "oh nope"!