Sunday, December 21, 2008

2nd Birthday Treats

Since V has a birthday only 5 days before Christmas I did have some fears of her feeling "cheated" out of her birthday experience when she was first born. Silly me! She gets more attention and presents than any kid should...and it is all well worth it.

As is the household tradition, she had cake for breakfast. Well, mostly she just licked the chocolate icing off the cupcake.
We let her open a few presents and T's parents presented her with a very cool table and chair set, which she immediately loved.

Later, her Grandma and I took her to Build-a-Bear so she could pick out her own stuffed animal and watch it get made. Sounds like a great idea right? NOT ON THE SATURDAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS! Look at this line!

It was a nightmare. The woman behind me stood entirely too close to me and sneezed a lot AND there was a loud-mouthed grandmother in line behind us with her annoying grandkid who kept pushing me aside to look at stuff. Thank goodness Grandma was there to keep V busy picking out potential Hello Kitty outfits and debating on shoe options while I tried in vain to pretend like the experience was fun. V had fun, which was the important part, but I can tell you I won't be making a return trip there anytime soon!

After a good nap, she opened a few more presents and then waited for her friends to arrive for her party.The plan was to cook mini pizzas for everyone...thankfully my Southern hostess intuition had kicked in the day before and I bought a bunch of chip and dip and snacks I thought I "wouldn't need" so there WAS food on hand..if you could see it in the dark.

The kids never seemed to notice that the lights were out and V ran around the house like a wild woman with Zane, Jett and Kelcey.

V, Jett and Kelcey got sick of posing for the camera. (I think Zane, at age 2 yrs, 8 mos, was the only one smart enough to just hide in the dark). Remember that the house was pitch black and imagine 3 different people trying to get these kids together for a photo op. Classic reaction.

After the party V opened MORE presents and I have to say the following picture pretty much sums up what I thought it would be like to have a daughter:

Tea party with stuffed animals and Grandma. Who's the spoiled one in this picture?


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness she got a dressy bessy!!! You do realize Bessy is Dapper Dan's sister, right???

And umm...yeah, I dont think you need to ever worry about that child feeling properly celebrated.


Erin said...

Love the recap...too funny. The tea party pic is great too.


Anonymous said...

Oh Grandma is the spoiled one in that picture!? Right? Ha. Love having a tea party with my grandaughter, that's what I imagined having a grandaughter would be like.

Emily said...

Oh yes, Dapper Dan's sister has come to live with us. She's not as popular as Dora the Explorer or Hello Kitty, but I love her best. I always had a thing for her brother.