Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Horrordays...

T & I thought it would be a GREAT idea to take V down to Pullen Park where they were having a "Holiday Express" Christmas festival. There were lights, there were performers, there were decorations everywhere. What there was NOT was 1)parking, 2)clear signage about where to go OR 3)some kind of warning that 1 million other families also thought this was a great idea and would be arriving at EXACTLY the same time as us.

T & I are NOT crowd people. We parked a mile away, literally slid down a hill, crossed over real railroad tracks and entered the park from the scariest, darkest entrance possible. WITH A STROLLER.

We arrived and the first thing V spotted was a light up Santa stuck in a chimney. She could not get over this idea. She was horrified. See the look on her face? She talked about it all night and kept having to go back and check on Santa who, yep, was still stuck. We finally made her feel better by telling her she could get a rope from Dora the Explorer's backpack and help him out. Seriously, this is what has become of us.

We went around and did a few of the free crafties they had set up, including making reindeer dust (oatmeal and sprinkles) to sprinkle on the lawn so SANTA DOESN'T MISS OUR HOUSE. Another horrifying thought for a 2 year old- Santa might NOT come? Again, look at this grimace.

We completed the torture by making her stand in front of the Christmas decorated carousel and train- both had lines so long she had NO CHANCE of riding them, even if her parents weren't riddled with line-anxiety. See the look of joy on her face?

Great idea Mom & Dad! I only hope next year we can find something to terrify her 1/2 as much.

Happy Horrordays!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor V, thinking Santa is stuck and can't get out! Dora to the rescue! See you soon!