Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Despite 2 straight months of cookie & candy eating, chocolate milkshakes and way too much macaroni & cheese, Virginia is still classified as a lightweight according to the results from her 2 year old check up. I was hoping for at least 10th percentile this go round.

Height- an impressive 34 inches, placing her in the 57th percentile among other kids her age.
Weight?- a pitiful 22 pounds even, ranking her in the 3rd percentile, or as my Dad put it "skinnier than 97% of other two year olds". She weighs less than several kids I know that aren't even a year old yet. Skinny minnie.

Oh well, I have until her 3 year old check up to try to bring up her official numbers.


Anonymous said...

How many 2 year olds can count in Spanish or sing as many as 20 songs in perfect key and know all the words? She's not a lightweight, she's a giant!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that last comment was made by her proud AC

Anonymous said...

She may be in the 3 percentile of body weight, but what percentile is her intellect!? I agree with AC, she's a heavy weight in lots of percentiles!

Anonymous said...

Well V, Carter is now keeping you company down in the ~10th percentile of height and weight...good luck putting on the pounds. At least you get another year before your weigh in...we'll get another update at the 15 month check up in 2 weeks.


Elaine said...

Someone has to be at the top and bottom, eh? Kevin & Christine's 2 yr old is 39 pounds- almost the weight of my 5 year old!