Saturday, December 27, 2008

Jolly Old St. Nick

The good news: Santa arrived safely (not getting stuck in our chimney as V feared), left lots of presents, took V's binkies and made everyone happy.

The not so good news: V is still young enough that the presents we think she'll LOVE are less exciting than their packaging. Case in point, her reaction to the super cool kitchen Santa brought her:

Could she be LESS excited? (maybe the 3 hour construction of it built up too much anticipation for her parents?)

However, the Hello Kitty legos that T picked up as an after thought? She CANNOT play with them enough. She's even insisted on taking them places with her so she can play with them at a moments notice.

T's favorite present is the new "big" t.v. we got (upgrading from a 15 inch to a 26 inch seems like a big deal to us), but I think he's also partial to the hot stone massage he has in his future. A well-deserved reward after a recent battle with kidney stones.

My favorite presents are the wonderfully smelly Lush products given to me by both hubby and BFF Paizhe and new pottery cookware from my mom. Now if I can just make time to take a shower while T is out of town for four days...and force myself to think about cooking again after all the eating I've done since Thanksgiving!

V hasn't yet decided what to make of all her new gifts- the table and tea set, play kitchen and food, stuffed animals, books, puzzles, stickers, guitar...all I have to say is THANKS EVERYBODY! I won't have to buy the kid a thing for months. :)

We had great times with both sides of the family- celebrating with T's family the weekend before Christmas and E's family on Christmas Day. Lots of unneeded calories have been consumed and paper has been added to landfills, but why waste time feeling guilty?! CHEERS!


Anonymous said...

Oh no! Was Tres peeved I stole his "Lush thunder" the day before Christmas?!? Was he able to restrain from giving you a hard time for complaining on Christmans eve that he did not shower you with Lush on your Birthday?!?

Too funny. Glad you all had a nice Christmas, I was so glad to see you this year, if only for a little while.


PS: I am sure Tres loves you broadcasting his kidney stone woes on a semi-public forum! ahhh, wives, arent we awesome?

Stephanie Coyne said...

well, Tres seems excited about the kitchen.... ; )