Friday, November 21, 2008

Let It Snow!

Being from from the South, the VeggieBruces get VERY excited when it snows! We got up early and saw that the predicted midnight flurries had turned into real snow and I immediately ran into V's room, wrapped her in a blanket and carried her outside to enjoy a rare occurrence of snow in Raleigh! I apologize that it is dark video...but then again, it was 6:45 in the morning...

I've tried to get her to go back outside now that the sun is up and she says simply, "No thank you Mama!" and waves to our poor cat popsicle meowing to come in off the back deck. What can I say? She's a Southern girl, too! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh is snowing in Raleigh! When we saw the weather this morning it showed snow flurries in Raleigh! Can you believe it? It is not even winter.
Love, Grandma