Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Despite V responding "nope!" every single time I asked her if she wanted to go trick-or-treating this year, T & I braved a neighborhood full of ghosts and goblins so that our toddler could beg candy from neighbors and strangers.

Clearly I thought Tres was taking a picture in this video; sorry for the prolonged perma-smile.

V is in a "mama, mama, mama" mode so she made me carry her door-to-door in our cul-de-sac.

Once she realized she was getting candy that she could keep she got very enthusiastic about trick-or-treating.

Only one of our neighbors was home (and might I note that we did not get a SINGLE trick-or-treater? Weight gain is in our future) so we decided to drive to our old street across the neighborhood to see former neighbors and V admirers on Powell Drive. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a squirmy 22 month old in a fuzzy pegasus costume into a car seat?

After ringing 8 door bells we headed home with a bag 1/2 full of candy and a hungry toddler .

I really planned on being a mean mother who wouldn't give her child any candy but I caved. It was totally worth it to see her so excited about dark chocolate. I think it was the only moment of the night when she enjoyed Halloween as much as we did!


Anonymous said...

Virginia is even cuter when she is eating dark chocolate! Yumo!

Stephanie Coyne said...

SO cute! Was that inspired by your Baloney Ponies? ; ) Even cuter is your great shirt? What fantastic friend gave you that shirt? You are so lucky!