Wednesday, November 19, 2008

101.5 degrees of love

Poor V woke up with a fever this morning at 5:30. Luckily Ibuprofen works wonders and she was feeling good enough to dance around during cartoons while her mother tried desperately to fall back asleep on the couch before 7 a.m. She had to skip school this morning and go straight to Queenie's house...where she read 1,000 books and watched all her favorite cartoons for much longer than usual. There has to be SOME upside to being sick, right?

T captured her super cute "feel sorry for me" face on the way over to her grandmother's house...hopefully tomorrow she'll be back up to full speed. Or in her case, I'll settle for 1/2 speed and still feel exhausted.


Anonymous said...

We hope you feel better Virginia! Sending get well wishes your way!
Grandma and PawPaw

Anonymous said...

I love this face. i think I will try it out next time I want to spend the day being read to and watching TV!