Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Virginia's First Haircut

That's right...she made it to 3 1/2 and I had never cut her hair (not counting snipping off that last bit of baby mullet she was born with by about 6 months).

Tres had literally been begging me to cut it for months, well a year probably, but I wasn't budging. Something about her not being a baby anymore. Or fears of a bad haircut. Or perhaps just because it wasn't my idea. No telling what it was really all about.

Maybe I liked the Chrystal Gayle hair...

but I did finally have to admit that it was hard to keep untangled, she came home from school looking like a rag-a-muffin AND Tres had no ability to really fix it it was so long.

So, I grabbed my theatre hair stylist friend Brittnye and she came on over for a cut.

V was excited. I'm still not sure what T promised her if she got her hair cut (is there a princess bike hidden somewhere I haven't found yet?) but she was pumped. But not as pumped as Tres. I think this may have been his most victorious moment yet.
She sat still as could be and let Brittnye cut away. No wiggling, no complaining, no crying.

I think she actually felt pretty grown up getting to wear the cape and all.

I had to admit that the finished product was cute...even if the curls were all gone.

And WOW has brushing her hair been easier. So, I guess it is official. V is not a baby anymore. And I guess I have to admit that Tres was right. Darn it.


Bill said...

I know it is tough when the boys actually sneak in and get something right. V does look super cute with the new cut though. Congrats V on the big kid cut, and Tres on your moment of "rightness"- they don't come around often.

Unknown said...

well said bill.....thankyouthankyouvurymuch....

Anonymous said...

Cutest little girl I've ever seen.