Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July Weekend...the warm up

We were thrilled to get to see the Coynes en route to their new home in Alabama. While they stayed less than 24 hours, it was a memorable trip in that Molly has finally caught up with James and least in her mind. Exhibit A: the trampoline
I cannot think of a better way to spend a Thursday night than with Coynes, Neomonde take out and lots of good wine.

Friday night we took V to my favorite summer activity: Music on the Porch at Seaboard Always good music, cheap beer and pizza (price, not quality thankyouverymuch Carolina Brewing Company!) and so kid-friendly we can hardly stand it. Case in point, they close off a huge parking lot so kids can ride around on their bikes/tricycles/scooters,
everyone backs their cars up to unload chairs/tables/snacks

(our friends Greg, Bridget and "Crispy" from V's school)

and this week they even had BOUNCY HOUSES!
What could be better on a Friday night? Dancing you say?

Squealing at the band?

Face-staining treats?


No, nothing could be better.

1 comment:

Stephanie Coyne said...

ah ha h aha ha - LOVE the video of James falling off the back of the trampoline! LOON!