Sunday, August 3, 2008

5 ounces down, 11 to go!

V was running a bit of a fever on Thursday so I took her to the doctor on Friday afternoon when she was still feeling a little puny. (I thought she had just hit an annoying stage, turns out she had a virus.)

Good news! She has gained 5 ounces in the last month- now she's a whopping 20 pounds, 12 ounces. Just 11 more ounces and she will have gained that pound the doctor asked for at her 18 month check up. With all the snacks, ice cream and popsicles we've been feeding her I'm surprised she hasn't made it past the 21 pound mark, but then again, she is in constant motion so she's got to be burning an incredible number of calories all day long.

Oh, and her illness was just a mild virus that made her irritable for a couple of days. She's back to her old self today. Squealing at the top of her lungs like a champ and singing "Daddy, where are you?" whenever the poor man tries to go to the bathroom.


Stephanie Coyne said...

Isn't that always the way? Glad (?) to hear it was just a virus...

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Virginia is feeling better! A summer virus is no fun!

Bill said...

Glad to hear V is gaining some lbs or ozs...

E I would like to "squash" any "beef" I may have started with the celebratory post about our son's weight gain. Please accept my pun as an apology.

When is Tres going to post?