Monday, April 19, 2010

Williamsburg...weeks later

Sorry for the delay in posting, I'm sure you've all been desperately waiting to know how our trip to Williamsburg went...well here it is.

We arrived on Sunday afternoon with perfect timing to hit the town for dinner at the Green Leafe, a local place with a great beer selection. The kids had a great time crawling in the booth.

And Virginia demonstrated repeatedly just how much she loves James Coyne.

Stephanie and I kicked off the weekend with Snakebites, and celebrated that for once, we had a waiter that embraced our kids, despite the spilled water and random squeals.

Sadly, Monday was rainy and cold. Not exactly the Spring Break we had envisioned in Williamsburg. So instead, we went colonial bowling. The last time Tres & I bowled was with Steph & Brian, circa 2004. Pre-kids. Needless to say, we were out of practice.

Tres embraced the role of teacher, having taken an actual for-credit, bowling class in college.

Virginia embraced bowling fashion.

Wonder wehre she learned that from?

Virginia and James were completely engaged in the whole thing...

for 5 minutes. Then they were more interested in the video games and candy machines. Note: don't let your 3-year old play the stuffed animal grab game. The only sure thing you'll win in a face full of tears.

But weren't they a cute couple?

Later that afternoon we went to the indoor pool, played some games and cooked a delicious dinner. Too bad you won't see any of that, or the morning we did actually spend in historic Williamsburg, but you can see this:

I dropped the camera on the way to the pool, it fell directly on the lens and wouldn't close back up. Tres "helped" by then breaking the lens completely off the camera. We're a great pair. Happy Spring Break!


Bill said...

Awesome post E. Good to know about the crane game. We always say their "broken". One day he'll get wise to us.

Anonymous said...

I think Tres actually got an A in his bowling class in college.

Anonymous said...

More Veggiebruce please.5/8/10

More pics please.
More V. please.
Come on, it's been too long.
Like and old movie named King Kong
Hurry up before I break into a song
Or I'll be at your door, ding dong
I just want some pics, is that so wrong?

Anonymous said...

Too long the wait
Let's get this straight
It's been over a month
But what's in a date

Pictures tell a story
When we can't look
V and T and E imagery
I could write a book

Emily said...

You must not be able to read,
or are blinded by your greed
for new pics of our V.

Because I clearly state
that our camera did break
and thus, you'll just have to wait.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the groan and moan
To buy a camera, you need a loan?
I realize that times are repleet
But he Best Buy is right down the street

I know that time's not easily spared
I wouldn't ask if I didn't care
Just the sight of little V
Is better than watching Idol on TV