Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bath time break through!

If you've ever been within a 5 mile radius of Virginia during bath time you know it is typically a scream-filled, 5 minutes of torture for her and whoever's turn it is to give her a bath. She hates it.

We've tried every toy, every trick we can thing of including bubble bath and she just for the most part doesn't like it. Until now...thanks to a weak moment at Target.

What, you ask, is the secret?

PRINCESS themed bubble bath!
Virginia asked for it and I said fine, thinking to myself that I was wasting yet more money on something she will just hate later because it involved the tub. I am happy to say I was wrong. She loves it!

Swims in it.

Let's me wash her long, lovely "mermaid" hair
(what we call it in the bath so she'll let me touch it).

Even SMILES when the bath is over (rather than sobbing loudly and screaming for Mama).

And so do T & E. When V's happy, we are ALL happy!


Unknown said...

this is the best post.

Anonymous said...

A milestone in the life of a toddler and her parents! :)
Grandma Ann

Stephanie Coyne said...

hallelujah and congratulations! I think that might have been harder and more time-intensive than potty training.