Wednesday, July 1, 2009

OMG, it is July already!

It is amazing how fast time goes by...! It has been over a year since VeggieBruce the blog was launched and in that time V has managed to get potty trained, learn how to speak small bits of Spanish (thank you Dora) and cook dinner every night (OK, that part I made up). :)

Summer time is treating us well so far. Tres has braved a 3-5 hour drive to Virginia two weekends in a row- the first trip SOLO* with our 2 1/2 year old roommate, V.
*If you don't count the DVD player he conveniently purchased before heading to Ashland for Father's Day.

Since I was wrapping up NC Theatre's production of High School Musical 2 (don't ask, I don't want to talk about it) Tres headed to his parents' to celebrate Father's day...allowing me a weekend to work yet also sleep in and organize toys. I owe him to say the least.

According to all reports, the hit of the weekend was the crazy whale pool Grandma bought V.

Of course Grandma also made time to pick up a Dora themed toilet seat and sheets for her "big girl bed" so all around, V was treated like the only granddaughter that she is. :)

There was plenty of Pawpaw time too, don't worry.
From pushing him in the hammock... demanding he read her books, V got her quality time with the Big Bopper for sure. :)

Then, we decided at the last minute to sprint to Alexandria last weekend for James Coynes' 3rd Birthday Party!!! (who could miss it, really?) Bug-themed and sugar-fueled, the party itself was fabulous! The kids ate ladybug cookies...

decorated their own bug cakelettes...

and of course, were a total mess.

Tres and Brian took the big kids to the National Zoo on Saturday morning while the girls (Steph, E and of course, super-napper Molly) completed final prep for the party.

I could go on and on about the 10 cakes Steph made to turn into chocolate "dirt"...the crazy balloons I almost burst my eardrums trying to blow up, and the delicious strawberry salsa...but I won't because I have the picture of the weekend to sum it all up:

Could these two BE CUTER? As V would say, "No way, Jose!"


Anonymous said...

She is the cutest child I've ever seen. Read to her? I'd read her the whole library!

Anonymous said...

What AC said!