Monday, July 14, 2008

Rachael Ray has nothing on V...

V's latest obsession (despite her mother's efforts to discourage her from potential gender-defining activities) is COOKING...she wants to make something almost every afternoon. By cooking she means grabbing stuff and throwing it around and making a big mess. Here are a few pics from a cookie making afternoon a few days ago:

First we mix the flour and dry ingredients together:

Then V "helps" with the sugar and butter:

Finally, she samples the chocolate chips:

Thanks to her father she now has her own mini pots and pans set. Don't anyone dare think of buying her an apron or a mini vacuum cleaner. I have to draw a line somewhere, right?


Stephanie Coyne said...

hee hee. Are the mini pots and pans from World Market? Some guy named Aubrey was at our house recently asking where I purchased those for my SON. See? They're unisex.

Emily said...

V got her set at Target, complete with mini pasta server that is so cute I might have to steal it away from her.

Erin said...

No martha but rachael? i love seeing the emily in V...