Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More Mississippi Activities

Just so you don't think mosquitoes and heat waves are all you have to look forward to in Mississippi, I thought I'd share with you some of the "fun" activities V enjoyed while visiting the Deep South.

There's the age old tradition of running up and down the hall of the cabin (and if you're lucky, not slamming your finger in the screen door):

Learning to slide without help (and receiving what some might call unmerited and over enthusiastic praise from your mother-ha!):

And of course, near drowning at the creek (she really was OK but didn't seem to want to go down the slide again for some reason):

Don't you wish life was always this fun?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Virginia associates water with being naked! She has mastered the slide and a great faceplant in the creek too! Too much fun!