Monday, January 25, 2010

V's first trip to the dentist!!!

Virginia is officially a big girl, and here's how I know. She went to the dentist for the first time and was an absolute model patient.

Never fussed, never cried. Acted like a tiny adult. It was truly amazing and I am now the biggest advocate for pediatric dentists in the world.

Why? Because they have kid-sized doors to enter in. They have movies above the chairs. Movies! Can I request this at my dentist???

And, they have sweet dental hygenists that talk nonstop and comfort slightly agitated and anxious mothers like me.

I thought they'd just look at V's teeth and then we'd come back for a "real" visit. Nope. They scraped, polished, flossed and x-rayed her tiny 3 year old teeth.

And then they gave her 2 stickers, a toy and a bag full of dental goodies that made her so happy, I thought she might ask to come back the next day.

Hooray for unexpected surprised! We LOVE the dentist.

1 comment:

Renee said...

What dentist did you go to? We like ours in Cary, but this one sounds maybe even more delightful :-) So proud of Miss V!