Sunday, November 22, 2009

Girls Afternoon Out

V & I met up with the O'Keefe ladies of Wake Forest on Saturday. Lori, Eavan and Emmy were brave enough to fight Christmas parade traffic to spend an hour in an incredibly loud Marbles Kids Museum. It would have been longer...but the traffic was bad and parking was tight. And appetites come before fun so we headed off for food after a brief visit to the Mr. Potato Head exhibition.

Our go-to spots were packed with families from the Christmas parade so we went to a place that Lori and I like a lot- Raleigh Times. Yes, we took our girls to a bar. They fit right in.

Emmy, Eavan and Virginia

Stop judging me...I promise there were plenty of other families in there and we DID sit in the non-smoking section and we only had ONE beer. The menu told us we had to.

Don't ask how many the girls had before jumping on the bar and dancing...

I swear, I had NO IDEA Mimosas had champagne in them...we thought it was just orange juice. :) I kid, I kid. No really, stop dialing child protection services. It was the powerful effect New Order has on people that made them act like this. You just can't help but dance, no matter where you are. Even T is not immune.


Stephanie Coyne said...

Nothing cuter. Love V's tongue by the way.... She's gonna need to stop doing that before her first junior high dance..... ; )

Lori O said...

I enjoy that even in the midst of New Order, Emmy is singing Hokey Pokey...

Thanks for the post - it's good for us to see about 15 years into the future...:)