Tuesday, September 16, 2008

September = Busy

Excuses for not posting recently:

1. I've started running regularly again in the morning and I am exhausted at night.
2. 90210 is back on air and I am addicted.
3. Facebook took over my life for a few weeks.
4. Work is crazy- big boss quit, I got a promotion, we are in the middle of a show.
5. I am lame.

Here is what else has been going on:

Steph and James Coyne came for a weekend visit and V fell in love with James all over again. Are they cute together or what?

Steph and I have all but picked out the wedding invitations for their big day in 2030. This picture foreshadows what V has to look forward to approximately one week after they tie the knot. :)

V learned to drink the milk out of her cereal bowl.

And last but not least, V has learned her name. What's your name? Ginny Bruce!


Anonymous said...

Your big boss quit!? And YOU got a promotion!!!!??? And Virginia drinks milk out of her cereal bowl!? What next in the Bruce family? My head is spinning!

Robyn said...

Hi Emily!

Just found your blog through the Schwangstons. Hope you and your gorgeous family are well!